Frequently Asked Questions
Over the years, University Studies students have generated quite a few questions. The job of Academic Advisors is to provide accurate answers. Of course, many of the questions are recurrent, so in an effort to save everyone some time and to get the information to you as quickly and easily as possible, the professional advisors within University Studies have compiled the following list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s). If your question is not included here, feel free to email us at
- Who is my advisor?
- Can I switch advisors?
- When should I see my advisor?
- How do I make an appointment to meet with my advisor?
- How do I make sure I will be able to graduate in a timely fashion?
- What is my UD Student I.D. number?
- What courses do I have to take?
- What is First Year Experience (FYE)?
- Can I drop (withdraw from) my FYS?
- What is discovery learning?
- Do I have to take math?
- Do I have to take foreign language?
- I’m not sure about my major—can I take courses in a major that I am considering?
- What grades do I have to get?
- May I take classes at another college or university near my home?
- How does the grade I earn at another college or university affect my G.P.A.?
- I’m not sure about my major—can I take courses in a major that I am considering?
- When should I declare my major?
- Can I declare any major I want to?
- Can I switch into UST?
- Where can I find a list of majors?
- I have a major, but I want to change. When should I apply to my desired major, and can I switch to any major I want?
- What’s a “restricted” major?
- When do I register?
- How do I register?
- How many credits should I take each semester?
- How do I know which courses to take?
- Where can I find a list of courses that are being offered next semester?
- What do the section numbers mean?
- Do you have any tips about registration?
- How do I get into a class I need if it is full or restricted?
- Where can I find a pink slip?
- Where do I buy books?
- How will I know which books I will need?
Who is my advisor?
You can check on UDSIS to learn about your assigned advisor. All UST (University Studies) students are assigned a professional advisor in University Studies.
Can I switch advisors?
In most cases, you can. UST students can email their request to Karen Seymour at or you can also stop in at 150 S. College Ave. to make your request.
When should I see my advisor?
You should check in with your advisor:
• Whenever you are concerned about how you are doing.
• Whenever you are considering changing your schedule (drop/add) or before the 8-week deadline (to drop a class, switch to P/F etc.).
• Before choosing classes for the next semester.
• If you have questions about degree/major requirements.
• If there are extenuating circumstances that are beyond your control, such as illness or family problems, and you want to know your academic options.
How do I make an appointment to meet with my advisor?
To sign up for an advising appointment, please follow the instructions below:
Login to the Stellic Platform – – click on STELLIC LOGIN
Please note that in order for you to schedule an appointment in Stellic with an advisor, your advisor must be a Stellic user and must have set up available time blocks in Stellic for scheduling.
To schedule a meeting with an assigned advisor, click on the “Schedule Appointment” button that appears in your Home view.
Other locations in the app from which you can access appointment scheduling, depending on your institution’s settings. Important note: The calendar icon used to schedule an appointment with your advisor will only be visible if your advisor has made times available for appointments on their calendar.
- Track Progress view:
- If you have an envelope icon on your Track Progress view, you will find a button to schedule an appointment in the chat sidebar.
- You may also see a scheduling icon next to your advisor’s name.
- Schedule view:
- Appointment scheduling is also available in Schedule view on the right-hand sidebar
Once you click on the link to schedule an appointment, you’ll be able to select who you would like to meet. Once selected, that person’s availability is displayed in a calendar view. Dates shown in white indicate that the person is not available for appointments on that day, while dates shown in dark blue indicate that the person is available to meet on that particular date. Clicking on the blue date will fetch the available appointment times on that specific date. If the person is fully booked, you will have to try another blue date.
Select a date and time that works for you, then enter a meeting topic and description. (Times are displayed in your selected time zone, which can be customized if needed in your settings.) Finally, click on “schedule” to finalize the appointment.

Once you have scheduled the appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with the appointment details. The email also contains an .ics file that you can use to add the appointment to any of your digital calendars.
To view and/or edit your upcoming appointments, access your appointments from one of the available access points. (Appointments on the left side bar, on your Home page, or on a Schedule page.) All of your upcoming appointments appear in the bottom of the right sidebar. You can view any meeting notes, re-schedule, or cancel the appointment by clicking on the 3-dot menu icon for the appointment.

Note: If you are a non-UST student who is considering a change of major and would like to meet with a UST advisor, please feel free to visit the office during any of the aforementioned walk-in hours.
Drop-in hours are posted here.
How do I make sure I will be able to graduate in a timely fashion?
You need to be aware of requirements to ensure that you are making adequate progress. Some ways to keep on top of things:
- Meet with your advisor every semester.
- Know when you need help, and be sure to speak up to get the help you need.
- Read your major’s requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog and always read course descriptions of any class you plan to take.
- Be sure that you are reading the requirements under the catalog year that you entered the University. You can adjust the year by using the drop-down menu on the online catalog.
- Use the what-if report function in UDSIS to see requirements for majors you are considering.
- Utilize the degree audit in UDSIS once you have declared a major.
What is my UD Student I.D. number?
To protect your privacy, UD issues each student an I.D. number, typically 9 digits (e.g., 70x-xxx-xxx). You need to memorize it and include it in all of your UD correspondence and transactions, including e-mail to faculty and University staff. Your I.D. number is listed in UDSIS.
What courses do I have to take?
All University of Delaware students, regardless of major, must take:
– ENGL 110: Critical Reading and Writing, a freshman composition class, during either 1st or 2nd semester, unless you have approved equivalent transfer credit.
– One First Year Experience (FYE) course. The course and credit will vary by major.
– One 3-credit multicultural course, which may be taken any time before you graduate.
– One Discovery Learning Experience (DLE) of at least three credits.
– 12 credits of University breadth (group) requirements (a.k.a., general education), which may be taken any time before you graduate.
– Additional breadth (group) requirements (a.k.a., general education) and skills classes: specific requirements that will depend on your major.
– Enough successful credits (“C-“ or above) in your major and degree to graduate. This number can vary but will total at least 124 for students in majors in the College of Arts & Sciences. In other colleges at UD, the required total varies from 120 credits to 130 or more. Double degrees and double majors may require more credits.
What is First Year Experience (FYE)?
The FYE Program is designed to get you off to a good start and to help you succeed at UD. FYE also allows you to meet other students in a small class setting, learn about resources at UD, and feel more at home on campus. All freshmen are required to participate in a First Year Seminar (FYS) as a part of the First Year Experience program. You can find information about the FYS by clicking here.
Can I drop (withdraw from) my FYS?
No. This is a requirement for all incoming freshmen. If you have questions, contact Meghan Biery at 831-3330 or
What is discovery learning?
Examples are approved Internships, Service Learning, Undergraduate Research, Independent Study, and Study Abroad. Note the word “approved”: it’s very important that you verify your DLE choice with your advisor.
Do I have to take math?
Almost all majors require a minimum of at least one math course. The exact course(s) you need to take will depend on your major and your UD math placement test score. You should discuss the appropriate course(s) with your academic advisor in addition to consulting the online Undergraduate Catalog. More information about math placement scores and the math placement exam can be found on the Math Department website.
Do I have to take foreign language?
Most majors in the College of Arts & Sciences require that you successfully complete the intermediate level of a foreign language. Other majors may also require some foreign language. Check the requirements for your degree program in the online Undergraduate Catalog. Remember: most employers prefer to hire graduates with foreign language skills. Having a foreign language listed on your resume can make the difference when you’re looking for a job after graduation.
I’m not sure about my major—can I take courses in a major that I am considering?
Usually, but there are times when certain courses are reserved for “majors only.” This means that if you are not currently declared in that major, you cannot register for that class. Consult with your advisor for help in choosing appropriate courses.
What grades do I have to get?
What grade you need depends on the requirement you are fulfilling. For instance, a grade of “C-“or better is necessary for courses required by a major or minor. A grade of “C-“ or better is also required for ENGL 110 (taken in the freshman year) and the 12 credits of University breadth requirements. Depending on the College, a grade of “C-“ or better may also be required in College breadth requirements. Elective courses only require a D- or better. However, it is important to remember that you must earn a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A., equivalent to a “C” average, in order to remain in good academic standing. If your G.P.A falls below a 2.0 or C average, you will be placed on academic probation or dismissed.
May I take classes at another college or university near my home?
Most often, yes. UD accepts transfer credit from all regionally accredited institutions, including most community colleges. Just be sure to contact the Registrar’s Office – Transfer Credit in the Visitors Center (210 S. College Ave.) before you take a class at another institution. It’s your responsibility to know how (and if!) the course will transfer to UD. For a list of courses that have already been approved to transfer from other institutions, consult the Transfer Credit Matrix. Transfer credit may be a good way to fulfill basic general education and skills requirements. Be careful when trying to fulfill upper-level major requirements with transfer work. Talk to your advisor. You must receive a “C” or better for the course to transfer in.
How does the grade I earn at another college or university affect my GPA.?
The grades will be listed on your transcript, but are not factored into your GPA. Therefore, they will have no affect on your overall GPA.
I’m not sure about my major—can I take courses in a major that I am considering?
Usually, but there are times when certain courses are reserved for “majors only.” That means if you are not currently declared in that major, you cannot register for that class. Consult with your advisor for help in choosing appropriate courses.
When should I declare my major?
As soon as you know the right one and are eligible to apply! When you have a firm idea of the major you want to move into, you should start the process of declaring. One advantage is that you will be eligible for classes designated “majors only.” Students are expected to declare a major prior to earning 60 credits to ensure they stay on track toward graduation.
Can I declare any major I want to?
That depends on you and your eligibility for the desired major. Talk to your academic advisor. Also check department websites. Each major has protocols, requirements and in some cases limitations that will affect your chances of being accepted into your desired major. The trick is advance planning and good information: both available through consultation with your academic advisor.
Can I switch into UST?
Students with 60 credits or fewer may switch into UST at any time. Simply fill out the Change Major, Minor, Concentration webform on UDSIS. Choose US-University Studies as your major and select the “interest area” designation that best fits your academic intentions.
Where can I find a list of majors?
You can find a list of majors by using the Major Finder.
I have a major, but I want to change. When should I apply to my desired major, and can I switch to any major I want?
See the answers to “When should I declare my major?” and “Can I declare any major I want to?” .
What’s a restricted major?
Some majors have a special application process. This may be because there are a limited number of seats, or because they only accept students at certain times of the year, or because they have competitive entry requirements. In the case of majors with competitive entry, your grades at the University of Delaware are usually the most important criterion for acceptance. A packet of glowing letters of recommendation will not make up for poor grades. It is important to do well from the start of your university career. For the list of restricted majors and their requirements for admissions, click here.
When do I register?
Your registration time will be listed in UDSIS under Enrollment Dates.
How do I register?
Please consult the registration instructions for information on how to register.
How many credits should I take each semester?
That depends on you individual academic plan. In order to complete your degree in four years, without taking courses in Winter or Summer Sessions, you will need to take 15-16 credits each regular semester. If you do decide to take courses in Winter Session or Summer Session, or transfer courses from another institution (important: contact the Registrar’s Office – Transfer Credit before doing so), it could lighten your courseload in fall and spring semesters. It is recommended that you consult with an Academic Advisor before selecting winter and summer classes.
How do I know which courses to take?
You should consult with your advisor before registering for courses. UST offers a six-week pre-registration advising period so that all UST students can meet with their advisors one-on-one to select appropriate courses.
Where can I find a list of courses that are being offered next semester?
Courses are listed on the Courses Search page and in UDSIS.
What do the section numbers mean?
Section numbers designate the times and days for classes. Section numbers are also related to campus locations, special programs, independent studies, etc. For more information on section numbers, click here.
Do you have any tips about registration?
Here are some basic tips that will help you begin to select courses for next semester.
How do I get into a class I need if it is full or restricted?
You may use the Course Permit form to request permission to add a course that you cannot register for through Web Registration. The form is ONLY available to students from the first day of the semester through the last day for changing registration or withdrawing from courses without academic penalty. Log into UDSIS. Click on Course Permit (drop/ad) under Webforms. That will take you to a secure log-in page. Once you log in, use the drop-down menus to choose Term (current semester) and Action (add a course). Then click NEXT. You receive an email when the form has been processed. If the request is denied, the email will state that the form has been CANCELLED and will contain a link to view comments. If the request is approved, the email will be a COPY, with a link to the completed request. If you have not received a response within two business days, you should follow up with the department offering the course. The form is stored in your Web Forms Archive.
Where do I buy books?
You can buy your books at the UD Barnes and Noble on Main Street or at any of the bookstores in downtown Newark. You can also pre-order your books online from the UD Bookstore, and they can either ship them directly to you or can box them for you to pick up. The online ordering process lets you choose used books if you prefer, which can cut down on your costs.
How will I know which books I will need?
If you order your books online through the UD Bookstore, the ordering system will indicate required books for your course and section. If you want to buy your books in person, take a copy of your schedule with you to the Bookstore and the staff will help you get the books you need for each course. The correct books will also be noted on the syllabus for each course, and/or on the website for each course. Note that some books are required. You definitely need to purchase those. Other books are recommended. It is up to you whether you will choose to buy those titles. Do not forget that you can often buy used books to save money.