Choosing a career can be a complex process, especially in a time of economic change. Career exploration takes time and energy and a lot of self-reflection. As a student, you may be wondering where to begin your search or how to choose a major that will provide you with career opportunities at the end of your academic journey. It is important to remember that a major does not necessarily equal a career. Employers want to see that you have communication skills, computer knowledge, the ability to work as part of a team and that you show initiative. Building a resume with accomplishments both in and out of the classroom may help you achieve success in your job search when you leave UD.
The University provides a variety of resources that can help you decide on a career. A good place to start the process of choosing a major or career is at the Career Center, where career tests and interest inventories are administered. Additionally, the Career Center staff provides students with information on internships and work opportunities as well as leads a variety of workshops on topics such as resume writing and interviewing. The Center for Counseling and Student Development also supports students through assistance with decision-making and personal awareness. In addition, CCSD counselors are available to walk students through the developmental process of choosing a career, and administers personality and career interest tests.